Why is it necessary to hang a Rapist...

There is no denying that rape is a heinous crime. It is an act of violence and domination that leaves the victim feeling violated, traumatized, and often permanently scarred. Unfortunately, rape is all too common, with nearly 331,677 cases reported in the India  According to the 2021 annual report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

What makes rape even more insidious is that the perpetrators are often people who are known to the victims, such as family members, friends, or acquaintances. This can make it even harder for the victim to come forward and report the crime. 

Unfortunately, too often, rape goes unpunished. The perpetrator may walk free, while the victim is left to deal with the aftermath. This is why it is so important that when rape is reported, the perpetrator is brought to justice. 

One way to ensure that rape is taken seriously is to impose stiffer penalties on those who are convicted. In many countries, the death penalty is imposed for rape, and this may be

Rapists should be hanged in order to bring justice to the victims. This would send a message that such a heinous act will not be tolerated and will help to ensure that justice is served.

Hanging rapists sends a message that we will not tolerate such heinous acts and ensure that justice is served. It is a way of bringing justice to the victims and sending a clear message that rape will not be tolerated. This will help to create a safer society for everyone.
